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Monday, 28 July 2014


This may be short, but I felt like I needed one last post before the year was officially over.

I have one hour left!!!  WOW!!!  I’m home and in my pajamas and writing this post, no one is coming over and I’m not going out.  I’m going to do this!!!  I can’t even believe it.

After spending a year focused exclusively on my needs, I have become an entirely different person.  It is incredible.  I love who I am, where I am and what may lie in the future.  Life is good – hard, trying, heavy, but good!  And continually getting better.

This year allowed me the space and energy to figure out who I am and what I want.  It’s funny because one goes hand in hand with the other.  The more you know yourself and stay true to yourself, the clearer life becomes.

I’m excited because tomorrow a friend is posting a guest blog I wrote about group therapy.  The very end of my year and I get to write about something I am really passionate about.  I’m excited because a link to that post will be the first thing I post after completing this year.  It will also have my name attached, and though you can probably find who I am through my profile, it will be the first time I publish my name on this site. 

It’s funny that after a year, I am in no rush to start dating again.  It is like Girl Brain is completely dead.  I’m just happy with who I am.  I know something will come along someday, but I’m okay taking the time to get there.  I look forward to the journey. 

I’m back up at Wonderland again this year.  And I’m ready for this journey too.

Wow!  How far I’ve traveled in only one year.  I can hardly believe it – and I can’t wait to see that clock hit zero! I don’t even know what will happen to the timer on my blog.  What happens when it reaches its time?  Who knows?!  We’ll see!!! So excited!!!

I can start dating and having sex again!!!! AHHHHH!!!  I’m excited for the possibility – though I’m in no rush for it to happen.  It’s such weird mixed emotions!!  It’s like being thirsty and walking very slowly towards the water fountain.  I finally get the meaning of that!!! 

So much love to everyone who has been following my blog!!  Not to worry!!  I really like it (even though it has been a while) so I’m going to keep going.  You can find any new posts under “Conclusion”.  Keep following my world of post-Year-Without-Sex antics!!!

Talk to you soon! J

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